I have successfully treated hundreds of couples for a wide variety of issues. I love to treat couples because there is such a high growth potential for both the relationship and the individuals. I also see it as my personal mission in life to do everything possible to create positive, healthy, and happy relationships.
I tailor my treatment according to the needs of the couple. For example, an exhausted couple with children, a couple where one person has stepped out of the relationship, and a couple in their 60s dealing with revitalizing their sexual relationship all need a different approach and treatment plan.
My therapy style is to get to the heart of the matter quickly. I can usually assess the problems within a few sessions and begin treatment by the second session. I often ask couples to read helpful materials or listen to CDs about relationships, which enables the couple to get the most out of therapy between sessions and increases the potential for growth.
Some of the theories and methodologies I use include, but are not limited to, Ester Perel, Harville Hendrix – Imago, Terrence Real, Marshall Rosenberg – NVC, David Richo, Gina Ogden, John Gottman, and Tammy Nelson. I draw from appropriate methodologies to tailor a unique therapy for each couple.